Pledge to Stop Trump
We are a group of volunteers organizing to stop Trump from becoming President. Our website is and we are not affiliated with any campaign.

Join us! You do not have to eligible to vote to volunteer with us! 
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What issues are you concerned about 
Which of the following states do you know people?  *
How many friends or family (who live in these states) can you encourage to vote to Stop Trump?
What ways will you volunteer to Stop Trump?
Name *
Email *
What State do you live in?  *
Are you registered to vote at your current address? 
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How did you hear about this Stop Trump Pledge? (include name if possible)
Anything else you would like to add? Who are you planning to talk with to Stop Trump? (family, friends, neighbors?)
By providing your cell phone number, you agree to receive occasional calls and texts to your number from Volunteers to Stop Trump on for important news and updates so make sure Trump is never president again! Msg frequency varies. STOP to quit. Msg and data rates may apply.
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