Hello! Y-ExCL Summer planning is underway for 2024! I am very excited to learn what your level of interest in hosting one(or more) youth this Summer to provide some hands-on work experience at your business or organization! It is partnerships with individuals and entities like you who make everything we do with the youth of Y-ExCL Summer valuable, meaningful, and impactful.
There are a few items of information below that we'd like to receive to make this process as smooth as possible. If something is not quite figured out yet (as we are a few months out), please respond with "N/A."
Our program has students work for 20 hrs./week max, Monday-Thursday and/or weekends. We request that Friday mornings are reserved for other program components such as college and business visits, guest presenters/speakers, and other enrichment activities. Thank you in advance for having flexibility with this schedule!
Important Program Dates:
June 3 - 14th, 2024: Program Start - 2 week Training
June 17th, 2024: Job Placements Begin
August 8th, 2024: Last Day of Placements
August 9th, 2024: Graduation
Once this form is completed, I will follow up by sending an email to meet briefly about needs and also discuss the worksite agreement for you and your team to review and sign. Please feel free to reach out to me directly at
jcvang1@dmacc.edu or 515-612-7247 if you have any additional questions or concerns. I look forward to another great year of shared success!
In partnership,
Jason Vang
Youth Program Coordinator
Evelyn K. Davis Center