It's once again time to help San Francisco Pride choose a theme for our parade and celebration, a community tradition that dates back to the earliest days of the Pride movement.
Community submitted theme suggestions are voted on by the SF Pride membership and approved by the Board of Directors in the early fall and the theme will set the tone for our work the rest of the year.
You may submit as many suggestions as you like. Simple and impactful phrases are encouraged. Suggestions infringing on copyrights or trademarks will be discarded. Popular theme concepts in the past have been of unity, love, social progress, social justice and equality, honoring our San Francisco queer history and working for a better LGBTQ+ future. Please
review past themes on our website for inspiration and to avoid duplication!
Deadline for submitting ideas is
September 5 at 5pm.
Suggestions will be reviewed at the
September 7 Annual General Meeting, you are welcome to attend the meeting to discuss your suggestion, but it is not required.
SF Pride Members will vote on the proposed themes
September 7-14 through online ballot.
Theme will be announced
Monday, September 16. After the theme is chosen, artists and designers from the community will be able to submit proposals for theme key art or logos. More information about the design proposal process will be posted in the coming weeks.