DebatEd 101 Application
Thank you for your interest in the FDI DebatEd 101 series. This weekend-long PD is for anyone who is new to coaching and/or teaching speech and debate or for those interested in assistant coaching or starting a program at their school. 

This session is free and upon successful completion participants will receive 20 service points that can be used toward license renewal. 

When: Friday,  December 20 (Check-in at 5pm) through Sunday, December 22 at 4pm. 
Where: Smith Conference Center at Florida  
Elks Youth Camp
              24175 SE Hwy 450
              Umatilla, FL 32784

This session is the "winter" version of our coach retreats held in the summer, and content is similar. Participants are welcome to bring their spouse and family, as there will be free time after 5pm on Saturday (Hotel-style accommodations). 

Another session will be offered next semester for any educator unable to attend this one.)
Email *
Participant's LAST NAME
Participant's FIRST NAME *
Select all areas you'd like training *
How many years have you been a speech/debate coach/educator? *
Which educational area(s) do you teach? *
Which grade levels do you teach? *
Participant's School *
In which FLORIDA COUNTY is your school located? *
Participant's Email Address *
Participant's Phone Number *
Participant's Address (Line 1 = Number and Street Name) *
Participant's Address (Line 2 = Apartment / Suite Number)
Participant's Address (City) *
Participant's Address (State) *
Participant's Zip code *
Is there anything else you'd like us to know?
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