Getting to Know You
Tell your professor; Michelle Lynn a bit about yourself, your photo skills, and the resources you have available to you at home.
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I love Chihuahuas and have three!
Last Name, First Name *
What city/town/neighborhood do you live in? *
Is this your first semester at COD? *
What is your major? Or what are you considering as a major? *
You may respond undecided.
Do you plan on taking more photography courses in the future *
An adjustable DSLR or Mirrorless camera is required for this course.  Do you have access to a digital camera that you can use for this class? *
Will you need to purchase a DSLR for this class? *
What kind of digital camera do you own? *
A digital SLR camera is used in this course. If you choose the answer "I don't know" you will need to show me the camera at the next class. If you are buying a camera. Choosing and buying a camera will be discussed in class.
If you have a camera list the brand and model of the camera. Brands are Nikon, Canon, Sony, etc. Models are listed on the front of the camera or on the camera manual. Examples are Nikon D3500 or Canon Rebel t7i. *
In regards to your photographic skills, you consider yourself a/an *
What other art courses have you taken? What level high school or college? *
What technology do you have access to at home? *
Check all that apply
Why did you take this class? *
Check all that apply from the list below.
What is the definition of photography? *
You may not answer "I don't know". Think about what you need to take a photo.
How is a photograph different from a drawing? *
You may not answer " I don't know".
What is a snapshot?
If you are unsure just give a guess.
How would you describe yourself? *
Choose the best descriptions from the list below
How many hours do you work a week?
Give an average or estimate.
What is your class load this term? *
When will you be able to take photographs each week? *
Choose all that apply.
What do you like/love about photography? *
What have teachers and professors done in the past that helped you learn? *
Is there anything special that you would like me to know about you that will help you in this class? *
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