Summer Reading 2024 - Will you be reading with us?
Exceptionally we're offering a list of 10 books instead of one for this reading period. Please let us know if you'll be reading with us and what you intend to read. One of our popular discussion events will be held on Zoom at the end of Summer. If you register with us here you'll be sure to be notified.
Thank you in advance
Judy MacMahon and Jacqueline Dubois
Email *
If your preferred email address is other than the one Google is collecting above, please enter it here. *
First name, Last name *
Which book/s are you intending to read (no obligation). Multiples are permitted. *
Where and in which timezone do you live? EG Country, then timezone *
Where will you be following and participating in discussion? (the more information you can give will help us - thanks in advance) *
Have you read with us before? *
Are you interested in joining the discussion event late in Summer? (an indication only - no obligation) *
Thank you for your interest in our MyFrenchLife™ French Book Club. If you have any comments or questions please leave them here.
Thank you
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