Open Practices - FALL 2023
Interested in joining DBSV Red Socks to play football? Then you're in the right place!
Please indicate all the dates you are available for so our coaches can better prepare for you, and make sure to show up early so that you can avoid the line and check in on time.
Training is from 20h30 until 22h, so arrive between 20h and 20h15 to be safe.
Our address is Gronsvelderweg 110, and you can click here for the google maps link.

NOTE: For indoor football the practices are at the USC, P. Debyeplein 15, and you do not need to complete this form. Simply use the Try-out link that will be provided by UM Sports to gain access to their building!

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Email *
What's your full name?
Email address? (give preference to your university one)
Which category are you signing up for?
For the first men's and first women's teams we strongly advise you to sign up for the first two sessions. If you register with our club after the 1st of September there is a chance you will only be allowed to play matches in February.
This is unfortunately a deadline from an external association that we cannot change.
Which days do you plan on attending?
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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