Studio X Season 7 Company Auditions
If you have any questions, please email 
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Correo *
Dancer's Name: *
Dancer's Date of Birth: *
Age (as of December 31st 2024): *
Height: *
Dancer's Instagram: (please type N/A if your dancer doesn’t have one) *
Parent/Guardian Name (Primary Contact for dance): *
Parent/Guardian's Contact Number: *
Home Address: *
Previous Dance Experience (please list): *
Which styles do you wish to compete in? (This does not mean your child will compete in this genre.) *
If we believe your dancer is ready for a solo, how many would you be interested in accepting? *
If we believe your dancer is ready for a duet or trio, how many would you be interested in accepting? *
Are you willing to travel? *
Please list all other activities and commitments for the 2024-2025 season that would possibly conflict with our dance schedule (days & times): *
What time does your child get out of school during the 2024 - 2025 school year? **Please be sure that you look into this before replying, as some schools will be starting and ending later. *
What day does your dancer start and end school for the 2024 - 2025 school year?   *
Are you planning to homeschool your dancer? *
In the space below, please tell us about your dancer. List 2-3 personal goals that your dancer would like to achieve in the 2024 - 2025 season. *
Is there any history of injuries, past or present, that your dancer may have that we should know about?  *

Is your dancer interested in competing a ballet solo or having a weekly private session with Damien?

As with any active sport or event, I understand that there are certain inherent risks associated with participating in this activity. I understand that Studio X, its staff, and affiliates are not responsible for accidents, injuries, illness or loss during auditions and call-backs. I will notify Studio X and its staff of any risk factors which may prohibit my dancer’s performance. *
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