Redditch Basketball Club -Junior Registration Form 2024/25
Registration form for new junior members for Redditch Basketball Club. All details will be securely saved on our database inline with GDPR and the data protection act and will only be shared within the club . If you require anymore information please email 
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Are you a new member or a returning member *
How old will your child be on the 1st September 2024 *
Participant's first name *
Participant's surname *
Participant's Date of Birth *
Participant's gender *
Postcode *
Does your child have Medical condition? *
Are there any safeguarding concerns that we need to be aware of? (if yes please explain, so we can make sure we can support your child) *
Is there anything around your child's welfare that the coaches / volunteers need to be aware of to support your child?  (This will help us as a club to give your child the best possible experince ) *
If you have any safe guarding concerns, Luke Freer is the club's welfare officer and can be contacted via any member of the coaching team. *
Any other information you would like to add? *
Do you give Photo/video consent of your child for our social media? *
Ethnicity *
Emergency contact name *
Relationship to the child *
Mobile Number (WhatsApp invite will be sent to this) *
Email Address *
Do you give consent for photos and videos to be used on our social media platforms? *
As a parent or guardian are you interested in any of the following roles ?
please note that they club would pay for any qualifications and you would get a discount for your Childs membership
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Club fees are £30 per month, per player, payable by standing order.

Please use the following bank details to setup your standing order:
Redditch Basketball Club
Barclays Bank 

Please note: When setting up your standing order please include the name of the player to which it relates in the reference, as this makes it easier for us to manage all the different incoming payments.

Our preference is for all fees to be paid by standing order, however if you wish to pay on a per session basis you may do so, the fee for this being £5 per session, payable by card only.

Registration form for new junior members for Redditch Basketball Club. All details will be securely saved on our database (Google drive) inline with GDPR and the data protection act and will only be shared within the club . If you require anymore information please email  *
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