BCBS COVID Conversations RSVP Conversaciones
Please reach out to lauren@marnitastable.org with questions.

Comuníquese con marlene@marnitastable.org si tiene preguntas.
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Email *
First Name/Nombre *
Last Name/Apellido *
Organization/Place of Employment - Organizacion /Lugar de trabajo
Which session are you attending? ¿A qué sesión asistirás? *
Who did you learn about this event from? ¿Cómo se enteró de este evento?
Do you need translation support to participate? ¿Necesita intérprete?
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What type of device are you planning to use during the event?/ ¿Qué tipo de dispositivo electrónico planeas utilizar durante el evento?
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Do you need any help or support connecting to zoom? ¿Necesita apoyo para conectarse?
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A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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