Entry for Chester Virtual Regatta 2020 - 2K Running Event
Due to the ongoing COVID-19 situation, Chester Regatta, the 'Oldest Regatta in the World' has embraced modern technology and opted to run 2 social-distancing based events to encourage a bit of good honest fun and competition.

We are offering a free, fun 'social-distancing based' 750m ergo competition and or a 2km run competition.
Chester Regatta was due to be held 13th June, so we're encouraging these virtual events to be done on that date.
But to encourage participation we accept results recorded between 10-14th June 2020.

This is the 2km Run Entry Form
There is a separate Ergo Entry Form
You may enter either or both.

Complete this form to be entered into AND to submit your result for the run division of the regatta.

All results must be in by 6pm (GMT) UK time Sunday 14th June
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
How to enter & rules:
Anyone can enter, from anywhere in the world, as this is a Virtual Regatta! If you have access to an ergo, please enter the ergo competition (750m). This running alternative is for those that don't have an ergo, or those who want to do both!

There is very little formality, and we take your results on trust, so for this division, be honest with yourself (the ergo competition will require a photo of your PM screen when you finish).  We need to know only a little about you: are you a Junior (<18 years) or not; are you an experienced runner (have you completed a competitive run of 5k or more in the last two years?); your name; your gender; and when you did the run.  The form will collect your email address, please ensure that you are using the email address of an adult, for safeguarding reasons.

You can submit this form twice, once when you decide to enter, and once with your result. Or you can enter after you have run.  Submitting when you decide to run will help us assess how many are likely to enter.

You must submit your result by 1800 UK time on Sunday 14th June. But you can carry out the run any time you like before that time, ideally on 13th June (the intended Chester Regatta day), but do check the weather and run on another day if that suits.

One day we will be back on the beautiful River Dee!
How to pick your route:
The run is over 2k. Using whatever means you like (map, google, Strava etc.) pick a destination exactly 1k along a route from your front door. Make sure it is a safe route and you are unlikely to be held up (along a canal, round the park, etc.). Then, time yourself from your front door, to your turning point and back. Then submit your time. Do it again if you think that will get you a better time!

Agree your own local competition (relatives, friends, club members, co-workers). We will publish names and times, so you can judge your own results against your competition!

Certificates will be awarded!  
Are you a Junior (<18 years old when you run) *
Are you an experienced runner? (you have completed a competitive run of 5k or more in the last two years) - this is just to distinguish novices from trained runners in the results! *
What is your gender? (results will be listed as one or the other) *
What is your family name? *
What is your first name? *
When did you do the run?
RESULT :What is your Chester Virtual Regatta 2k Run time?
One last optional question: Out of interest, where in the UK or the world are you?
Chester Regatta will not share or sell your information.Data on this form will be used for the purposes of our 2020 Chester Virtual Regatta only.  Competitor names will appear on our 2020 Chester Virtual Regatta Draw & Results to be published on our website: www.chesterregatta.org
We'd love to see you competing.
Post your photos to social media: Twitter @ChesterRegatta or Insta @chester_regatta
Tag us #ChesterVirtualRegatta
-Results must be submitted on this form by 6pm (GMT) Sunday 14th June 2020
Need help?
Contact us at runentry.cvr@gmail.com with any enquiries.
Please remember this is our first Virtual Regatta, this event is run by volunteers for fun and is free to enter.
Please bear with us if responses are slow.
Chester Regatta will not share or sell your information.
Data on this form will be used for the purposes of Chester Virtual Regatta only.
Competitor names will appear on our 2020 Chester Virtual Regatta Draw & Results to be published on our website
Winners names may appear on our social media accounts or in local press.
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