Request a Tutor
Our mission is to provide quality tutoring that supports and empowers students to achieve success in pre-health courses. The goal of this program is to assist students in improving their academic performance through skill building and comprehension, expanding their self-confidence, and developing appropriate study and time management skills. We want to provide a service that upholds academic standards and enables students to be responsible, active, and independent learners who are able to adapt to different learning environments.

You are expected to communicate proactively with your tutor, respect your tutor's time, and arrive to tutoring sessions prepared with questions and topics to review. You are expected to be committed to the tutoring program and to improving in your coursework. You will be asked to evaluate your experience so we may provide the best mentorship and tutoring program for students.
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Name *
Email *
Cell Phone *
Class Year *
For which class(es) would you like a tutor? *
Please check all the subjects in which you would like a tutor.
With which aspects of the selected class(es) are you struggling? *
What are you hoping to gain from this tutoring service? *
OPTIONAL: Though we cannot guarantee your preferences, what qualities in a tutor are important to you and are critical to enhancing your learning? (i.e. similar interests in career goals, flexible schedule, etc.)
OPTIONAL: Additional Questions or Comments
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