OLLI at UNLV Scholarship Application
Please answer the questions below. An OLLI scholarship will cover approximately 75% of membership fees with the recipient responsible for the remainder ($55/annual, $35/semi-annual, $27/semester, $12/summer). 
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Email *
Full Name *
Phone *
Address: *
Membership Number (ex. X00-00-0000)
Scholarship Type *
Have you received an OLLI Scholarship before? *
What classes/type of classes do you hope to take? *
Describe your past or anticipated level of participation as a student, volunteer, committee member, or in any other activity contributing to the OLLI learning community. *
Feel free to describe any financial circumstances or provide other information that should be considered. *
By typing your name below, I affirm the information I have provided is accurate and true. I further affirm that I will be a positively contributing member of OLLI at UNLV, abide by the policies of the institute and the university, and that failure to do so may result in ineligibilty for future scholarships. *
Today's Date *
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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