Bethany Art Club Registration Spring 2025
The 5th Grade Bethany Art Club will meet this spring from January 28th to April 29th every Tuesday of the week for selected 5th graders. Art Club will be after school on Tuesdays in the art studio from 3:05 PM until 4:05 PM. Please bring a snack and your love for art! Other instructions and updates will be sent via Remind (texting service) and email after registration ends.

Please register by 6pm on Friday, January 24th, 2024.

Thank you,
Ms. Briggs
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Email *
Student First and Last Name
Homeroom Teacher *
After Art Club how will your child be going home most Tuesdays?
Please provide a phone number with which a parent/guardian can be reached between 3:05-4:05 PM on Tuesdays.
Add a secondary phone number, if you'd like.
Please provide a PARENT email.
Add a second email address, if you'd like.
Another form of communication will be sent via Remind texting app. If you are wanting communication this way please sign up using the link below.

I understand that regular attendance is very important. If my child is going to be absent from Art Club, I will call or email Ms. Briggs in advance to let her know. I also understand that two UNEXCUSED absences can result in being dismissed from the Art Club.
I understand that my child will be signing a behavior contract during the first session. If his/her behavior is not satisfactory, it may result in being dismissed from Art Club.
By entering my full name below, I (the parent or legal guardian of the above child) give permission for him/her to participate in this extra-curricular activity.
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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