ARLIS/NA Project and Service Charter
This form must be completed for all new ARLIS/NA project and service initiatives, including grants and publication proposals . The purpose of the charter is to identify the overall scope of the initiative and to ensure that it is aligned with the Society’s strategic directions, goals and priorities before consideration and approval by the executive board.
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Email *
Project title: *
Lead group: *
Please specify the executive board position or the name of a committee, division, section, or special interest group.
Executive board liaison: *
Team leader(s):
Team leader email: *
Team members and emails: *
Project scope: *
What issue or need will this project address? Please provide a high-level list of tasks, individuals responsible, and the project timeline.
Deliverables: *
What are the tangible products of this project?
Strategic goal(s) addressed: *
Select all applicable choices.
Relevance to strategic goal(s): *
Please describe in detail how the initiative relates to the strategic goal(s) selected.
Constraints: *
Define known or potential barriers.
Funding: Estimated total cost: *
Funding: Total amount requested: *
Funding: Net revenue to ARLIS/NA: *
Resources: *
Identify in order of priority the time and material resources (from members, other ARLIS/NA constituent groups, headquarters staff, or external institutions) required to complete the project.
Proposed start date: *
Estimated completion date: *
Executive board approval date:
To  be supplied by the ARLIS/NA secretary.
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