IIJ Journalism Layoffs Survey

Note: We have finished analyzing the first tranche of data, as of Sept. 27, 2024. We will leave this survey open until Dec. 31, in order to continue capturing a full picture of the impact of layoffs on journalists.

Hi! This is a survey by the Institute for Independent Journalists Foundation aiming to understand how layoffs and workforce reductions impacted the U.S. media industry and individual journalists in the past three years.

If you lost a full-time job that involved the gathering, production or distribution of journalism, in any medium, we want to hear from you!

In order to make sure our results are accurate and able to be fact checked, we ask that you provide either your contact information or a site with employment history, such as LinkedIn. We will not publish any individually identifiable information about you without contacting you and getting your explicit permission first. We will keep our sources of information confidential.

As a thank you for participating, please feel free to use Lam Thuy Vo's resources for starting anew: https://bit.ly/LamVoResources

To learn more and stay updated on the census, see: https://theiij.com/census or email census@theiij.com.

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