PRELIM Serbia Registration Questionnaire
The overall aim of our five-week 'English for the 21st Century' course is to give Serbian teachers of English a chance to survey how English is changing in the 21st century, discuss issues related to Contemporary English and British culture, and share opinions and teaching ideas related to their classroom practice. We hope that all teachers increase their confidence in using contemporary English (where appropriate) and explaining new usage to their learners.

There are 17 questions. We think this will take you approximately 15 minutes.

We will contact you later by email with further details about how to access the course materials.

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1. Name as you want it to appear on your certificate *
2. Are you an ELTA member? *
3. Phone number (in case we cannot reach you by email) *
4. English level *
Section A: Your teaching context
We would like to know a little about your context.
5. City/Region you work in *
6. Which kind of school(s) do you teach in? You can select more than one option. *
The name of the Institution(s) where you teach
7. Age of your students *
8. Number of students in a typical class *
9.  And can you tell us about your students? Do they enjoy learning English? What do they enjoy/not enjoy doing in English classes?
Section B: Your interests in relation to Contemporary English and British culture.  (We are asking for information only. No one will be excluded from the course based on their answers.)
10. What areas of 21st century British culture are you interested in learning more about?
11. Anything else you would like to share about your reasons for taking this course?
Section C: Participation
12. We will give 6 workshops on Zoom on Thursday evenings most probably at 19.30 Serbian time. Workshops will last maximum 60 minutes (50 minutes input/practice + 10 minutes Q&A).  Are you willing and able to join live zoom workshops? We do understand if you cannot join every webinar but we expect participants to attend as many as they can. *
13. Webinars will be held on Zoom and will be recorded (but not the activities in breakout rooms). Do you accept this? *
14. We will be using a closed Facebook group to discuss and share ideas. Do you have a Facebook account or are you willing to get one for this course? *
15. The workload will be 20 hours over 5 weeks (with a one-week break after Week 3). This means teachers should be willing to commit approximately 1 hour for a zoom workshop and between 2 and 2 1/2 hours of asynchronous work. This involves input (reading, listening, watching videos) on some worksheets and discussions on Facebook. Can you commit to this amount of work?   *
16. The course designers would like permission to quote from participants' contributions to discussions or zoom workshops or questionnaires/ feedback forms for research purposes. All comments will be anonymous. Do you agree to this?   *
17. Have you got any suggestions for the course designers?
Thank you – The Bell Team – Clare, Lis & Kristina  and ELTA Serbia Team
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