Biomass Pyramid Data
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What was the most numerous species of animal you saw in the trail camera pictures? *
Which species had the greatest total biomass? *
This is different from most numerous, if you saw 10 monkeys and 1 elephant even though the monkeys are more numerous the 1 elephant weighs more than the 10 monkeys combined so the elephant has the greatest total biomass
What was the total weight of all the primary consumers? *
What was the total weight of all the secondary consumers? *
What was the total weight of all the tertiary consumers? *
What was the total weight of all the quarternary consumers? *
Which group of consumers had the greatest total biomass? *
The primary consumers made up what % of the total animal biomass? *
The secondary consumers made up what % of the total animal biomass? *
The tertiary consumers made up what % of the total animal biomass? *
The quarternary consumers made up what % of the total animal biomass? *
What was the total biomass of ALL the animals seen in all the pictures? *
What did you think of this assignment? *
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