Evaluation Lab - M-Up
What is the Evaluation Lab?

The Evaluation Lab is a virtual space to review and evaluate the schemes and tools that are available to support migrant entrepreneurs. You will be teamed up with a coach and a peer learner who also works within the migrant entrepreneurship space, providing the opportunity to connect with and learn and share with others from other European countries.

Alongside your coach and peer learner, you will give focus to:

Spotting opportunities

Evaluating ideas and sustainable thinking

Examining the financial economic section

Planning and managing priorities

Participants will have the opportunity to discuss the different practices used with their peer learner and coach, to learn and to ultimately improve their own schemes and methodologies to support migrant entrepreneurs through exchanging different perspectives and looking for possible solutions. At the end, each peer-pair will be asked to produce a mini report containing ‘lessons learnt’. This doesn’t have to be large in size but is aimed at helping you to document what you have learnt and to set out future plans.

What will the Lab give you?

Participants will have the opportunity to discuss the different practices used with other members; to learn and to improve their own schemes and their methodologies to support migrant entrepreneurs.

How do the Labs take place?

The Evaluation Lab will take place on 4th October 2018.

During this time you will take part in one weekly online meeting (so 4 meetings in total over 4 weeks) via Skype.

Your coach will be in touch to arrange the meetings and will use Doodle Poll to help with this.


Evaluation Labs takes place via weekly online meetings for four weeks from 3rd September to 5th October 2018. The timing for the meetings will be selected using Doodle Calendar.

Who can participate?

The meetings are addressed to 40 practitioners[1] that will join the network like EASME representatives, the consortium member, and all the organizations that support entrepreneurship with local or transnational actions.

If your organisation works with or for migrant entrepreneurs in some way and you would like to learn and to ultimately improve their own schemes and methodologies to support migrant entrepreneurs through exchanging different perspectives and looking for possible solutions.

The goal is to exchange, among the different organisations, the practices that support and facilitate to migrant entrepreneurs the access to the market, to be able to analyse the schemes and find successful tools.

For more details contact: sara.schiano@permicrolab.it.
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