Tell Me About The Dream                                Training Cohort Application 
Thanks for your interest in being part of a training cohort that will help you design an antiracist or creation care curriculum for children in your community, through a lens of faith. Cohort training takes place over 7 weeks and each session is about 2 hours long. We'll get back to you as soon as we can . -Jen and Will
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Hi! What's your preferred name (first and last) and pronouns? *
What's the best Email address for you? *
If we needed to text or call, what's a good phone number? *
Please share your mailing address so we can send you materials. *
What is your Christian denomination? (Eg. Episcopalian/ Baptist). If not Christian we'd love to work with you too! Tell us your faith community.
What community are you hoping to design a curriculum for? (i.e. the name of your church or school) Please include the city and state. *
What is your role in your community? *
Roughly how many children K - 5th grade are in your community?
How will you cover the 375$ cost? *
Which cohort are you applying for?
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Have you taught either of these curricula before?
Could you get access to a 'Desert Box' or bag during our training sessions to practice the story in sand? *
What kind of experiences have brought you to applying for this training? Do you feel prepared but need some encouragement? Are you out on a limb and it's starting to crack? We think our approach can help wherever you are.  *
Anything else you want to share? You don't need to add anything, but we wanted to leave some space.
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