SYM Service Project Request
This form collects the information we need to evaluate and schedule service projects events. We are delighted to share the ministry with you if we can. Sometimes this is challenging if your group times overlap with ministry times (listed on Calendar). We offer a number of service projects options.

Because we have learned it matters to our clients, we ask each group to commit to follow-up volunteer hours--the total number is equal to your group size. We have not had really good luck with people honoring this. We offer an honorarium alternative for groups that do not meet the follow-up volunteer requirement. The honorarium alternative $10 per person.

Your group bears all costs of your service project by providing the specified materials. Service projects requires a minimum of 10 participants. We do accept in-kind donations and free will offerings, 100% of which go to support the ministry.
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First *
Please give us the contact information for the person we'll work with to setup the event. If we need additional contacts, please provide those as additional information on our last question.
Last *
email *
phone *
Group Name *
Church or Agency Name *
web site *
Please write none if no web site
Age Range of Participants *
Choose all that are typically present
Typical Size of Group *
We respectfully ask that you have a group of 10 or larger. If not 10, then we invite you to combine with other groups.
Goal *
Please describe the event as you envision it, including what else will be talked about, what the event's purpose is, and what you hope people walk away understanding.
Date(s) *
List the best dates and times, in order of preference (best to least preference). Note that we cannot normally support service projects during our weekly ministry events (see calendar). Groups up to 10 may schedule themselves to be our event volunteers and food providers using our "individuals" page.
Service Project *
Here is a list of the service projects we offer. The "Drag" is Guadalupe street, our main ministry area.
Follow-up Volunteer Commitment *
We do require volunteer commitment from our groups. When a group does not achieve their goal in 6 months, we ask that they instead provide an honoraium of $10 per person. Not all participants will volunteer, but those that feel called into further service can represent the whole group.
Referral *
How did you hear about us? Did someone specific refer you to us?
Other Information
Please let us know other information that will help us to evaluate and schedule your group.
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