United Township High School Boys Tennis Camp 2024
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Camp Information and Liability:

Dates: June 3-6, June 10-13, June 17-20, June 24-27

Where: UTHS Tennis Courts

Time: 10:00 am-12:00 pm

Cost: Free for 2024

What to Bring: Tennis Racket (We have a few loaners), Athletic Shoes, Water, and a Positive Attitude.

Why Attend Camp: The summer is the most important opportunity to increase your tennis skills. There is only so much development that can be done during a tennis season (especially when we start having multiple meets a week), so this is the time to work on becoming a better tennis player. Playing as much tennis as possible is the best way to get better. The goal is to move this program towards the upper levels of the Western Big Six conference, and I am determined to help the athletes get there. Let's put the work in to make that goal a reality.

Liability: I hereby release and fully discharge the United Township School District #30, its agents, employees, and coaches from any and all liability from injuries resulting from my son/daughter participating in the Panther Tennis youth camp. I, the undersigned have read this release form and understand all iters terms. I have executed it voluntarily and with knowledge of its significance.

Open Courts/Extra Hitting: The girls camp will be July 1-4, July 8-11, July 15-18, July 22-25 also from 10:00 am-12:00 pm. This means that the tennis shed will be open, tennis balls will be available, and there will be extra courts for boys to hit on. Any boys that want extra hitting can use those open courts to hit with their friends. I also encourage boys to find any other times throughout the summer to hit with their friends. Any hitting you can do will be valuable for your development. I would like to see a lot of you continuing to play through July. Therefore, June = Camp and July = Open Courts.
Player's Name: *
Player's Phone Number: *
Grade Level Going into Fall 2024: *
Parent/Guardian Name: *
Parent/Guardian Phone Number: *
Address: *
Insurance & Medical Care: Medical expenses resulting from injuries at camp are to be covered by your family policy. Please provide your family health insurance company below:
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