2024 New Economy Roundup Reader Survey
Help us shape the New Economy Roundup in 2024! Let us know what you love about the Roundup, and what you would like to see change in the future. The survey should only take a few minutes to complete and will help out our comms team greatly! <3  Most of the questions are optional if you're short on time. 
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Are you excited to read the Roundup twice per month, or is once enough?  *
What's your experience like reading the Roundup?
Strongly Disagree
Strongly Agree
The stories are well-curated, timely, and interesting
The content is accessible, easy to understand and follow
I'm overwhelmed by the amount of content and/or links
There's too much jargon or the writing feels academic
I wish there were more photos, art, or graphics
I regularly learn about new projects, frameworks, or movements
I'd share the Roundup with a friend or comrade
Anything else you'd like to share about your experience with the Roundup? Things you love, dislike, or would like to change?  
What areas are you most interested in learning more about? (check as many as apply)
What are your favorite sections of the New Economy Roundup?
Which of the following best describes you:
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