Let Us Know
If you wish to let us know about something, whether that's how well we are doing, or a cause for concern at Wymondham Archers, this is the form to do that. This form is used for a wide variety of subjects and will be directed at the Membership Secretary for Wymondham Archers.

If you wish to report something regarding the Membership Secretary of Wymondham Archers, please forward your concerns/compliements/observations to our Vice Chair via email at vicechairwa@gmail.com
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What is it that you wish to tell us about? *
How do you feel about your observations remaining confidential *
We will keep your details confidential, should you indicate that you would like this. But, if information is shared with us that we consider triggers our safeguarding protocols we will be notifying any relevant people with regard to protecting children and vulnerable adults.
First Name *
Family or Surname *
Contact Telephone Number *
Email Address *
When did, or when does, what you are telling us about, happen? *

Please let us know what you know about what happened and how you feel about it.


Were other people with you, who were they?


If others' were involved did you speak with them to let them know how you felt at the time.


What would you like to see happen now?

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