Peace Haven Pool Memorial Day BBQ Lunch RSVP
Join us as we say "Hello SUMMER!" and celebrate with our neighbors and friends to the start of Summer 2022!
Monday, May 30 at 12 noon at the pool

Food catered by Real Q with BBQ plate and Hot Dog Plate options available. Sides included: choice of slaw,  baked beans, potato salad, drinks and desert.

Adult plates - $10
Child plates - $5

Please provide the RSVP for your family to attend the Memorial Day BBQ lunch. We will need your family's RSVP by Monday, May 16. Please respond by answering the questions below.

Payment will be available on the website with your membership account or at the snack shack (day of event) by charging to your account. We will also accept cash the day of May 30 prior to the lunch.
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Email *
Name (Last, First)
We will be attending the Memorial Day Lunch: *
Please provide below how many Adult plates you will need:
Please provide how many Children plates you will need
Number of BBQ eaters in your party
Number of Hot Dog eaters in your party
I will be paying *
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