Alakondre Puwema Neti: Warderi gi na Uma registration form
Alakondre Puwema Neti, an initiative of Matai Zamuël, CARICOM Youth Ambassador, produced by HB Media NV, has the purpose to experience Suriname's cultural expression and diversity on World Poetry Day and International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination, both on March 21. 
This year's theme is to pay tribute through poetry to women and their resilience, and to provide an antidote to racial discrimination which disproportionately affects women.

Date: Thursday March 21, 2024
Time: 18.00 - 21.00
Location: Theater Thalia

Please register if you are interested to be part of the line up! Registration will close on February 18 end of day. 
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Email *
First name and last name *
WhatsApp number *
Title of the poem *
Message of the poem *
Language of the performance *
Duration of the performance in minutes and seconds *
Please answer in the format mm:ss
Desired fee in USD *
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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