VReS Translation Bounty
Earn tokens as a reward for translating an Announcement Thread of VReS by actively moderating the thread and keeping it active by posting regular updates, news or any important announcements in the local translated thread.
Warning: a single post dead thread is useless for the token sale and will not be accepted. We expect from the ANN translators to take the responsibility to moderate their threads by keeping them active and decent with translated official announcements, news and updates regularly. If a translator just posts the thread and leaves it dead, with no updates, he will either be disqualified or have his reward reduced by 50%.

•   Translation should represent original work, if you use tools such as google translate, automatic translators and so on, your submission will be rejected and blacklisted.

•   For stake counting, only the posts of the OP are counted towards moderation activity. Translators should be active, if OP becomes inactive, another moderator will be hired for updating and moderating the thread.

•   Do not make unnecessary multiple posts to increase stake numbers, this will result in the posts being uncounted and a penalty.

•   Bounty manager and the team reserve their right to make changes to this terms or apply new ones.
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