I, for myself or as the parent or legal guardian of the above named registrant recognize the possibility of serious physical injury or death associated with physical activities including field hockey. I, from this day forward hereby forever release, discharge, hold harmless, and indemnify LI STIX FIELD HOCKEY LLC, it’s employees, representatives, agents, and associated personnel against any and all claims, causes of actions, and/or liability by or on behalf of the registrant as a result of the registrants’ participation in LI STIX FIELD HOCKEY LLC practices, camps, special events, league, tournaments, and out of state events/showcases. I hereby consent and agree that LI STIX FIELD HOCKEY LLC has the right to take photographs and/or videos of the above named registrant for feedback, social media (facebook, instagram, LI STIX FIELD HOCKEY LLC website), advertising, and marketing. I agree that LI STIX FIELD HOCKEY LLC reserves the right to cancel the registrant’s participation in any specific event or events and/or cancel membership in total if such registrant’s conduct and behavior includes but is not limited too; use of non-prescriptive drugs, vape pens, alcohol, foul language, aggressive/inappropriate behavior (on or off the field), posting on social media the wearing of LI STIX FIELD HOCKEY LLC’s apparel without the written permission of LI STIX FIELD HOCKEY LLC, and/ or any other action determined by LI STIX FIELD HOCKEY LLC to be detrimental to LI STIX FIELD HOCKEY LLC and it’s programs. ******PLEASE SIGN. PARENT/GUARDIAN NAME MUST SIGN IF UNDER 18******** *