Apply to serve on Bike Walk Mississippi's new Statewide Advisory Committee
The primary purpose of BWM’s statewide advisory committee is:

- To establish a pool of experts from across the state who regularly contribute their knowledge, enthusiasm and strategic thinking to help move forward the overall goals of BWM and its partners regarding bicycle, pedestrian and alternative transportation issues.

- To mobilize, train and empower local advocates, allies and partnering organizations across Mississippi by focusing on specific topic areas centered around active transportation goals.

- To create a larger and more focused effort to present a clear and collective voice to all levels of decision makers around bicycle and pedestrian issues in Mississippi.

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If selected to serve on the Advisory Committee, what should you expect?
- Members of this committee will serve on at least one topic-centered sub-committee task force while others, such as government employees, elected officials and emeritus members will serve on the committee as a whole, advising or contributing as needed.

- Members of this committee will help Bike Walk Mississippi in its goal to build a bicycle and pedestrian friendly state by offering their skills, relationships and expertise to Bike Walk Mississippi’s staff, board of directors and partners.

- Members of this committee understand that they will help to advise the existing BWM board of directors but do NOT bear fiduciary responsibilities nor do they have the authority to vote on organization specific issues.

- Members of this committee are encouraged to become annual dues paying members or supporters of Bike Walk Mississippi but membership to BWM is NOT required to be a member of the Advisory Committee.
We are now accepted applications for both "at-large" members and individuals who are interested in serving on a Taskforce Subcommittee. What does this mean?
Advisory Committee members "at-large": This group includes members of the Advisory Committee that do not serve on specific task force sub-committees but serve in a general role offering opinions and advice on bicycle and pedestrian related issues. Examples include: Transportation and Recreation professionals, elected officials, representatives of partnering organizations and emeritus members of the Bike Walk Mississippi Board.

Task Force Subcommittee members: This group includes individuals who serve on the overall Advisory Committee but focus their efforts around topic-centric issues. These Taskforce oriented committees will work with Bike Walk Mississippi and a Subcommittee chair to determine their own set of goals and outcomes, Chairmen will report these goals for final approval by the Bike Walk Board of Directors. Examples of Task Force Subcommittees include: Complete Streets, Bike/Ped Infrastructure (Trails/Paths/Sidewalks), Pedestrian/Walkability/Running Issues, Bicycle Safety, Bicycle Tourism/USBRS Mountain Biking Issues, Policy, Legislation & MDOT, Safe Routes to Schools & Health). Other Subcommittees will be established as determined by interest and need.
What is the time commitment?
Regular meetings will be established by each individual task force with a recommendation of meeting at least 2 - 4 times a year. Subcommittee meetings may be conducted over email, conference calls, webinars and in person as determined.

 Are you ready to apply?
Continue to the next section to tell us more about yourself, your passions, background and interests.
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