OKX User Survey: Advanced Trading Tools
This survey aims to collect opinions of several advanced trading tools, thanks for participating!
1. What types of trader are you? (Multiple choice)
2. Which type of trading do you engage in most frequently? (Select up to 2 options)
3. If you placed a limit order and it has not been executed yet, what would you do? (Single choice)
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4. If you could set a valid time for your pending limit orders (where the system automatically cancels orders that have not been executed beyond that time), how long would you typically set it? (Single choice)
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5. In general, market orders are executed faster than limit orders, but the trading fees for market orders are also higher than those for limit orders. With the premise of hoping to be executed as soon as possible, what is your attitude toward execution speed and trading fees? (Single choice)
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6. If there was a tool that could automatically place buy limit orders at slightly lower than the market price (or sell limit orders at slightly higher than the market price), and if not executed, adjust the order price based on the latest price changes at a certain frequency to ensure the order gets filled by the counterparty as soon as possible. The purpose of this tool is to enable users to maximize their chances of getting their orders filled while paying lower transaction fees (maker fees). Would you consider using this tool? (Single choice)
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7. To ensure fast order execution, market orders typically result in price slippage, the larger the order sizes, the higher the slippage. What is your view on this issue? (Single choice)
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8. Which feature would help you the most with your trading? (Single choice)
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9. What trading features would you like OKX to add? Feel free to leave your suggestions. (Optional)
10. To participate in future giveaways, please leave your OKX account. (Optional)
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