CDC22- Meet the Faculty Candidates - Registration
The program of the 61st IEEE CDC in Cancún, Mexico will again feature the "Meet the Faculty Candidates" poster session. This session provides a great opportunity for faculty, search committee members, and recruiters to speak directly with current graduate students and postdoctoral researchers who are seeking faculty positions. The session will be held on Wednesday, December 7th, from 18:30 to 20:30 at the Marriot Cancun Resort.

Faculty candidates, registered for the conference, are invited to register for this poster session by completing the following online form by October 15th, 2022. Presenters are asked to bring a poster along with pushpins to attach the poster. Space may be limited and is first-come first-served.

Presenters will likely be more successful in providing high-level discussions of their work such as motivation, strategies, and unique insights, rather than narrow mathematical detailed discussions unless asked specifically for those details. Presenters are also encouraged to bring copies of their CV for distribution.

If you have questions please contact Francesca Parise, IEEE CDC 2022 Student Activities Chair, at
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E-mail address of the presenter *
Registration confirmation number (see CDC registration email) *
CSS paperplaza pin number *
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Tentative title of the poster *
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