SHOWCASE AMERICA  (SCAU)                                CONTEST AGREEMENT FORM

COST:  $500

To host a Showcase America contest, the host team must be able to:

  • Provide a venue (school gym, theatre, etc.) that is safe for dancers to perform and has sufficient areas to act as secure dressing rooms for competing dancers.
  • Provide SCAU Tabulator and/or Head Judge access to the venue the evening prior for equipment set up.
  • Provide adequate lodging, the evening prior to the contest, for Tabulator and/or Head Judge that will be setting up equipment.
  • Provide adequate lodging, the evening prior to the contest, for any assigned SCAU staff member(s) traveling greater than 75 miles, upon request.
  • Provide access to venue non-Guest Wi-Fi that Showcase America staff can utilize to run the tabulation and critique programs. Guest Wi-Fi is unstable and could drop due to the traffic. This would impact audio/written critiques and scores for teams.
  • Provide a DJ and sound system with capabilities to play music for each performance from various devices.
  • Pay a $500 sanction fee (Reduced fee of $250 for the first year.)
  • Provide hardware/awards for contests (funded through registration fees, see below.)
  • Provide an on-site or on-call medic for the event for all dancers.
  • Provide a communication email/packet to competing teams/solos ahead of the contest with important information (admission fees, if concessions are offered, what time the doors will open, dressing room assignments)
Note: If a host team would like to offer both the Team category and Solo/Ensemble category, one of the following must occur:

  • The venue must be equipped with two areas for the different categories (Teams and Solo/Ensemble.) This could be two different gyms, gym and theatre, etc.
  • The number of performances must be limited so that all performances can be scheduled in one location that still allows time for break(s), a judge’s lunch and awards, not to exceed 12-14 hours.

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Contest Sponsor/Team: *
Requested Contest Date:
Director/Contact Name:
Director Phone:
Director Email:
Will any categories (age or genre) NOT be offered?
If yes, please list:

1. Official Sanction 

2. Master Tabulation Forms/Computer Program 

3. Score sheets with written/audio critiques 

4. Qualified Judges and Tabulator

5. Creation of the schedule

6. Advertisements and promotions on Showcase America social media sites 

7. Provide all rating ribbons 

8. Provide Judge’s Choice awards

Note: Contests with more than 8 hours of competition may be assigned more than 1 team of judges.


1. Provide a safe venue that offers dedicated wifi access for Showcase America staff

2. Use the official Showcase America contest rules

3. Use registered Showcase America judges for the contest 

4. Provide paramedics/nurses/medical staff (can be an on-call person)

5. Provide hardware and placement awards 

6. Pay sanction fee of $500 

7. Provide a DJ/sound system for the duration of the event

8. Provide a communication email or packet to competing teams

9. Provide lodging for SCAU staff the evening prior to the contest, as needed

Will you require an invoice? *
Payment Options

Payments can be made through Venmo, PayPal, or mailed:

Sanction Fees - Due by November 1st

$500 ($515.00 if paying through Venmo or PayPal)
$250 for first time contests ($257.50 if paying through Venmo or PayPal)

Please note that if paying through Venmo or PayPal, you will need to submit the higher amount listed above to cover the 3% fee.

**$100 late fee assessed for sanction fee payments received after November 1.

**Contest registration will not be open until Sanction Fee is paid

Venmo: @scau5678

Mailing Address:
Showcase America Unlimited
520 Hill Road North
Ste. 563
Pickerington, Ohio 43147

*Note: If an invoice or receipt is needed for payment, please submit this form and then email with details of request

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