NAAAP Pride Interest Form
Fill out this form to get in the loop on NAAAP Boston's Pride Committee! Name and email required, all other questions optional.
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Email *
First Name *
Last Name *
Personal Identity Questions
ALL QUESTIONS ARE OPTIONAL. Please take advantage of the "Other" option to self-describe. Your responses will be kept private and secure.
How would you describe your sexual orientation? Choose all that apply and feel free to use the "Other" option to self-describe.
How would you describe your gender identity?  Choose all that apply and feel free to use the "Other" option to self-describe.
What is your ethnic identity (ex. Chinese, Indian, Filipino, etc.)? Please self-describe.
Professional Questions
ALL QUESTIONS ARE OPTIONAL. Please take advantage of the "Other" option to self-describe. Your responses will be kept private and secure.
What is your employment status?
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What is your professional industry (ex. tech, education, finance, etc.)? Please self-describe.
What is your affiliation (company, school, etc.)?
What is your professional title, if applicable? Please self-describe.
Is there anything else you'd like us to know about you? Any suggestions or comments for our committee? Feel free to share with us here!
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