💛 Class Registration: Lindy Curious 💛
This is the registration form for the beginners Lindy Hop course: Lindy Curious. This course does not require any previous dance experience, or a partner. Anyone is welcome to join! Here you will learn about Lindy Hop and be introduced to various fun steps you'll be able to use on the dance floor. 

📆 Dates and Time: 
29th August - 26th September
Thursdays from 18:45-19:45, then Social Dance until 20:00

🏫 Location: 
Small Gym at the Willstätter Gymnasium. 
Enter the courtyard behind the school (across the street from Egidienplatz 37) and the gym is to the right. 

💰 Cost for 6 classes:
➽ Wage-earners, phD-students: 45€
➽ Everyone else (non-earners, students, pupils, apprentices, …): 25€
You can select a payment method below. Please pay by your second class. This way you can try the first class for free to decide if you like it.
➽ If you are a SSM memeber you don't have to pay extra for the class

👞 What to wear:
Please wear whatever you’re comfortable moving in! For shoes we recommend flat shoes like toms, keds, or sneakers. Preferably with a non-sticky sole. 

Please arrive a few minutes early for the first class for check in. 
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Email *
First Name *
Last Name *
Birthday  *
Which role will you dance? 
Lindy Hop is a partner dance. While historically men led and women followed, we encourage anyone to dance whichever role they feel comfortable with, independent of your gender. We only ask that whichever role you select you stick to for the duration of the course. 
What is your payment option?  *
Payment. If you can't pay by PayPal please email us :)  *
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Would you like to join our mailing list? We promise not to spam you, this is only for information regarding future courses, events, and similar communications. We will send you important information regarding your current course regardless of if you opt out of the mailing list. *
By signing up for this class you are confirming that you have read and agree to the code of conduct. In order to keep all participants safe please understand that you may be asked by the teachers to leave if you are not acting in accordance to the code.  *
With my registration I declare that I agree: I participate in the dance course at my own risk. I am liable for injuries, theft or damage to the property, damage caused to the rented rooms, furnishings and equipment. The organizers and landlords accept no liability.
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