Tell us your stories about Arizona's Five C's
The Arizona Republic |'s award-winning environment reporting team is preparing a series on the historical and current status of the 5C's, and we want to hear from you! 

Tell us your stories about what Copper, Cattle, Cotton, Citrus or Climate in Arizona have meant to you over the years and what you think this branding says about the state's past, present and future.

Please try to make your responses work within the form, but if you have questions you can email Joan Meiners, Climate reporter at
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First name *
Last name *
Email (will be kept private and only used to contact you if we have questions) *
Phone number (if you prefer we follow up with you this way)
What is your approximate age? (So we can better understand what the 5 C's have meant to different generations.) *
How long have you lived in Arizona? *
Give us a quick idea of how important Arizona's COPPER has been in your life. *
No relevance
Very important!
Give us a quick idea of how important Arizona's CATTLE have been in your life. *
No relevance
Very important!
Give us a quick idea of how important Arizona's COTTON has been in your life. *
No relevance
Very important!
Give us a quick idea of how important Arizona's CITRUS has been in your life. *
No relevance
Very important!
Give us a quick idea of how important Arizona's CLIMATE has been in your life. *
No relevance
Very important!
If you would like to briefly explain any of your answers above about the importance of particular C's in your life, you can do that here (Optional):
When do you remember first learning about Arizona's 5 C's? Was it during a certain year in school? Was it when you moved here (include a year if possible)? Was it yesterday? (Keep this part brief and tell us your longer story in the next question.) (Optional) *
Tell us your story about what one or all of Arizona's 5 C's has meant to you or the role it has played in your life.

(Please note: We may share info you submit here with our other readers.)
Thank you for participating! If you have any other relevant thoughts or brief feedback for our environment reporting team, you can leave that here or send an email to Joan Meiners, Climate reporter at
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