Unconscious Bias Quiz
Thank you for being brave and answering these questions truthfully. Your name along with your answers will not be shared publicly. This is for your personal understanding. 
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1.  I live in a neighborhood with families/individuals who are a different race than myself. *
2.   I eat and have pleasant conversations with individuals who are not of my race. *
3.   I hang out and/or worship with families/individuals who are not of my race and enjoy conversations with them. *
4.  During my childhood I grew up in a community that included: *
5.  I believe the biggest beneficiaries of Federal Poverty Reduction Programs are: *
6.  I believe the population who commits a white-collar crime ( i.e, wage theft, fraud, bribery, insider trading, embezzlement, money laundering, identity theft, forger, etc...) are: *
7.  I believe the Civil Rights Act of 1964 was mainly for *
Additional Comments: *
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