NEW STUDENTS --- Winter 2025   Registration for Gemara Boot Camp   
This course was reviewed by R’ Aryeh Lebowitz (RIETS Director of Semikhah) and is taught by R' Yitzy Radner and R' Akiva Fagin over ZOOM.  

* * WINTER  Z'MAN   II:    Feb. 9th - Mar. 9th
* * WINTER  Z'MAN   III:   Mar. 9th - Apr. 10th 

COURSE LENGTH: The course is comprised of 8-10 sessions (1hr. 15 min sessions) typically taught over the course of 4-5 weeks.  Once enrolled, students are given access to attend the live sessions and to the class recordings.  

CLASS MEETING TIMES: The exact class meeting days/times are generated based on the days/times students select when registering.  [See below.] 

REFUND: Registrants may "drop" the course within the 1st week and receive a full refund.

Scholarships available.  
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For which Z'man would you like to register?   *
For which level would you like to register?  [If this is your first time enrolling in GBC, select Level #1].  
Email *
Title *
First Name *
Last Name *
Section *
The class is planned to meet 2 times per week and will be scheduled according to the preferences of class registrants.  Please select which DAYS would be your FIRST choice for meeting.  [Please select 3 or more days.]. If you are joining as part of a private group with pre-determined class days/time, select "Private Group".   *
Please select which DAYS would be your SECOND choice for meeting.  [Please select 3 or more days.] If you are joining as part of a private group with pre-determined class days/time, select "Private Group".   *
If the class were to meet on SUNDAYS, during which windows of time would you prefer class START TIME?  [Please select any that apply].  If you are joining as part of a private group with pre-determined class days/time, select "Private Group".   Please NOTE:  Times are EST.   
If the class were to meet on a WEEKDAYS, during which windows of time would you prefer class START TIME?   [Please select any that apply.].  If you are joining as part of a private group with pre-determined class days/time, select "Private Group".  Please NOTE:  Times are EST.
Please indicate any day or a time (or window of time) that definitely does NOT work for you? If you are joining as part of a private group with pre-determined class days/time, type "NA".  *
What is your local time when it is 12PM in New York? *
Year you received your undergraduate degree (or expected graduation date for high school or college registrants) *
Cell Number *
Do you currently learn Daf Yomi? *
Name of your Shul Rabbi *
Typically, how many lines of Gemara do you read without referring to resources like Artscroll, Sefaria, etc? *
How do you typically learn Gemara? *
How much of Rashi's commentary do you typically read when you learn through an Amud of Gemara? *
What do you think best applies to you? *
Have you ever been enrolled in Gemara Boot Camp before?  *
Would you like to meet over ZOOM with R' Radner to discuss goals for the course or particulars about the course?   *
Are you a regular YU donor? *
How did you hear about Gemara Boot Camp?
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Any concerns or questions?
Click "Submit" below to go on to next page to SUBMIT PAYMENT.
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