This course was reviewed by R’ Aryeh Lebowitz (RIETS Director of Semikhah) and is taught by R' Yitzy Radner and R' Akiva Fagin over ZOOM.
* * WINTER Z'MAN II: Feb. 9th - Mar. 9th
* * WINTER Z'MAN III: Mar. 9th - Apr. 10th
COURSE LENGTH: The course is comprised of 8-10 sessions (1hr. 15 min sessions) typically taught over the course of 4-5 weeks. Once enrolled, students are given access to attend the live sessions and to the class recordings.
CLASS MEETING TIMES: The exact class meeting days/times are generated based on the days/times students select when registering. [See below.]
REFUND: Registrants may "drop" the course within the 1st week and receive a full refund.