Sharing feedback
Tell us about how you use projects and sharing in your classroom! 
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About you
What courses do you teach with which grade level?
Grades K-2
Grades 3-5
Grades 6-8
Grades 9-10
Grades 11-12
Hour of Code
CS Fundamentals
CS Connections
CS Fundamentals Express
Courses 1-4 or Accelerated Course
CS Fundamentals Pre-Reader Express
CS Discoveries
CS Principles
What other coding or computer science products do you use in your classroom? e.g. Kodable, Scratch Jr., Tynker
Projects in the classroom 
How often to you show/use projects in your classroom? 
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Where do the projects used in your classroom originate? (Select all that apply)
How do you select projects for classroom use? (Select all that apply)
Sharing Projects 
Who do your students typically share their completed projects with? (Select all that apply)
Why do your students share their projects? (Select all that apply)
What challenges have you faced when using sharing projects in the classroom?
Do you have any suggestions or comments on how sharing projects on could be improved or supported?
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