WaterSMART Grant Application and Help Desk Survey
At WaterNow, we are committed to providing the best possible support to Colorado water providers in their efforts to tackle regional water challenges, especially to organizations and agencies in small and under-resourced areas. As part of our ongoing commitment to excellence, we are seeking your valuable feedback to understand how effective our WaterSMART Grant Application Support & Help Desk program has been in assisting your organization in applying for U.S. Bureau of Reclamation WaterSMART grants. This survey is designed to take no more than 5 -10 minutes to complete. Thank you in advance for taking the time to help us tailor our program to meet the needs of Colorado communities. 
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Name (First and Last) *
Email *
Organization or Agency *
City *
State *
Is your organization or agency located within a small and/or under-resourced community?  
What are the largest barriers you and your community/organization face when applying to USBR WaterSMART Grants? (write N/A if question does not apply)
What are the largest challenges your organization has faced when using WaterSMART funding? (write N/A if question does not apply)
How did you originally learn about WaterNow’s WaterSMART Grant Application Support & Help Desk?
On a scale of 1 - 5, how satisfied are you with the WaterSMART Grant Application Support & Help Desk program provided by WaterNow? 
Please provide details about your level of satisfaction with the WaterSMART Grant Application Support & Help Desk. *
Which of the following support services have you utilized from the WaterSMART Grant Application Support & Help Desk program? (select all that apply)
Of the support services listed in question above, which was the most useful for you and why? Alternatively, if you have not yet utilized WaterSMART support, which services would you be most likely to use? 
How would you rate the effectiveness of the 1-on-1 calls in helping you understand and apply for WaterSMART grants?
Please share any specific ways in which the 1-on-1 calls have been helpful to your utility or organization. Alternately, please share how they can be improved. (write N/A if you did not utilize this service)
How valuable was the editing and detailed review service in improving your WaterSMART grant application?
Please explain why the editing and detailed review of your application was or was not valuable to your organization. What could be improved? (write N/A if you did not utilize this service) *
What additional improvements or support would you like to see offered in the WaterSMART Grant Application Support & Help Desk program?
Have you secured a WaterSMART grant with the assistance received from WaterNow's Grant Application and Help Desk program?
If you have received a WaterSMART grant, please describe the WaterSMART grant (which grant and year) and how WaterNow’s WaterSMART Grant Application Support & Help Desk program support contributed to your success.
How likely are you to recommend the WaterSMART Grant Application Support & Help Desk program to other water providers in your region?
Is there any other feedback, comments, or suggestions you would like to share regarding the WaterSMART Grant Application Support & Help Desk program?
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