Sunday School Registration 2024-25
Hello friends! The Sunday School program is for children age 4 through grade 5. The program year begins September 8. Children sit with their families at the 10AM service and will be invited to go to Sunday School during the service. Sunday School is about 20 minutes, children will return to the service at The Peace. 

For children to attend Sunday School, please complete one form for each child. Thank you so much! 

We are so excited to worship with you this year!
Miss Kathryn McManus, Children's Ministries
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Email *
Parent's Name(s) *
Child's Full Name
Does your child prefer a nickname? What is it?
Child's Birthday (Month/Day/Year) *
Parent Contact Email
Parent Phone Number *
Family Mailing Address(es) *
Does the Student have any Allergies (food, etc) and/or other Medical Conditions that we should be aware of?
Photo Release: By registering my child I understand that Grace Episcopal Church in Madison, NJ has permission to use my child’s photograph publicly in advertisement materials. I understand the images may be used in print publications, online publications, presentations, websites, and social media. I also understand that no royalty, fee or other compensation shall become payable to me by reason of such use.
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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