Plan - Bell Ringer Student Survey
Please take your time when completing this survey. Your thoughtful and objective responses to each question are a highly-valued part of the teaching and learning improvement process. This survey is anonymous. Please do not include your name on this survey.
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Name (First and Last) * Optional
Your instructor *
Select the level of agreement you have with the following statements.
1. The instructor seemed knowledgeable about the subject matter. *
2. I gave my best effort in this course. *
3.  I know what ultimate career I want to have. *
4. I know what I need to do to reach that ultimate career goal. *
5. I know how Job Corps will help me to attain my ultimate career goal. *
6. The time we spent in the course was worthwhile to me. *
7. What was the most effective part of this course? *
8. What are your suggestions, if any, for changes that would improve this course? *
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