Essential Oils 101 at Studio West
Event Date: February 28th
Event Address: 111 S West St, Brighton, MI 48116
Contact Marcia Bracken: 517-294-5900
Time: 6-7:00  P.M.

Join us at Studio West for an interactive night of fun, smells and sampling ....... Essential oil use is EVERYWHERE now..... my passion lies in showing people HOW to SAFELY, EFFECTIVELY and EASILY start to incorporate essential oils into your homes.......  This first class (in a series of classes we are planning for Studio West) will be all about the very basics..... everyday uses, the what , where, when, why and what to look for and BONUS.....we will be making our own CUSTOM blend to take home with you on the night of the class!!    

Seating is limited to 15 and we ask that you register to ensure we have enough  class supplies.  After the class you can look for a copy of class notes, recipes and more to come to you in your email box so you don't have to worry about taking notes during class, just come, learn and SMELL......

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Your Name *
Phone number (for class updates , changes due to weather) *
Email (for recipes and class notes to be sent out after class) *
Do you currently use essential oils in your home? *
What is one thing you would like to learn in this class?
How many will be attending with you to class? (to prepare for supplies needed) *
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