Progressive Caucus - Get Involved!
Please complete the short form below to indicate your interest in joining one or more of our working groups and/or global steering committee. Diversity is a core value of proDA, so we encourage all members to bring forward their talents, and share how they will help increase and maintain diversity within our leadership.  A copy of your responses will be sent to your email automatically. You can edit your responses after submitting. Send questions or comments to where you can also submit your responses if you prefer not to use this form. The Chair and Vice Chair look forward to finding a place for everyone wishing to advance our shared progressive goals. Thank you!
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Your Name *
Current country of residence
Your voting state/territory (last residence for you or your US citizen parent)
Are you a member of Democrats Abroad? *
If you are an officer of Democrats Abroad, please write your full title (Position, Country Committee, Chapter, Global Team). Feel free to indicate former roles as well.
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