Rock Solid Volunteer Commitment Form
North Manchester Rock Solid Teen Center
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First Name *
Last Name *
Address *
City *
State *
Zip *
Phone *
Cell Phone
Email *
Place of Work
Work Phone
What size of t-shirt do you wear?
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In what areas would you like to volunteer?
If volunteering as a tutor, what are the fields of study you are knowledgeable in?
In what areas have you or are you currently volunteering, if any (e.g. Church, school, etc.)?
Why do you want to be a volunteer for Rock Solid?
Do you consider yourself to be a person of faith?
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If yes, briefly explain the role your faith plays in everyday life.
List two adults you’ve known for at least one year, who are not related to you and have a definite knowledge of your character and ability to work with students.
Reference #1 *
Reference #1 Phone # *
Reference #2 *
Reference #2 Phone # *
List the names of any Rock Solid volunteers you know:
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