I Love Your Vibe <3 Dance Concert Submission
I Love Your Vibe <3
Share your dance and movement work at SMUSH Gallery's upcoming performance "I Love Your Vibe"!
All styles and themes are welcome in for this open, lovely concert and hang. Emerging, established, and hanging on by a thread artists are welcome. 

Saturday, February 11, 2023
Show at 8:00p, eat-and-mingle to follow <3
SMUSH Gallery is located at 340 Summit Ave, Jersey City, NJ

Know Before You Submit:
- All presenters are asked to sign off on our presenting agreement. Please check it out! https://docs.google.com/document/d/1QoQmJvKPU_vGm-yt_dy6IOmhw2Xw9ggxicbZMF0btgI/edit?usp=sharing
- All presenters are asked to engage with our Equity Statement. Please check that out, too! https://www.smushgallery.com/about-contact
- The gallery is small! Plan for 9''x16' performance space, 3/4 thrust style, and very low tech. Warm house lights will be on throughout the performance, and we can play sound through our speakers. The floor is old hardwood with some gaps between boards, danceable but not a dance floor. Our heat works well! There is no backstage or crossover - everything happens in the room.
- All acts will receive a very small (too small, we know, we're trying) honorarium of $25 plus a % of the door. 
- DATES! Submissions are reviewed on a rolling basis. The last day to submit is December 11 at 11:59pm. Responses will be sent out by December 14th, and confirmations are needed back by December 16th. Final promotional materials will be needed by January 15th. The day-of time commitment is 6-10pm (depending on your tech time).

Please any send questions to Katelyn (she/her) at hello@smushgallery.com.

Thank you for submitting!

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Email *
Lead Artist's Name & Pronouns
Lead Artist's Phone Number
How would you/your group like to be named in correspondence and for publicity purposes? (your name, company name, or project name)
Website & Social Media (where we can find and tag you!) *
SELECTION. Applications from artists of color, LGBTQ+ artists, artists with disabilities, and artists living along and at the intersections of other lines of oppression are given priority. If you would like to share how you identify your race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, location of origin, or anything else, we welcome you to share that information here. (From SMUSH's Artistic Directors: Benedicto Figueroa is a gender-nonconforming Latinx able-bodied human person from New Jersey, and I use he/him/they/them/she/her pronouns. Katelyn Halpern is a gender conforming, cisgender, able-bodied white woman from Texas, and I use she/her/hers pronouns.)
ABOUT YOU. Briefly tell us about yourself/your project/your company, where you're based, how you heard about SMUSH, and how you heard about this call for submissions! (Internal use only, not for promotional use)
YOUR SUBMISSION. Title, dance or movement style, number of performers, notable costume/props/set, tone/images/inspiration/driving questions, what excites you about making or sharing this work? (Note: We use your description both to evaluate your work and, if selected, to promote it. Use language you don't mind us re-using, or make a note of what's not ok to share! <3) *
Length of work (12 minutes max w/ appreciation for shorter works, too) *
TECH. Outline your technical needs, including sound, props you plan to bring, etc. (Note: the gallery is low tech - warm room lighting throughout the performance, plug-and-play sound system, projector available but stationary) *
WORK SAMPLE. Link to the work you plan to present OR a representative sample - please indicate which it is and please double check your video permissions/passwords
PROMO MATERIALS. If your work is selected, we will ask for 4-5 high resolution images, 1-2 :10-:30 second clips, a brief bio (100-150 words), and a brief description of your work (100-150 words) for promotion by January 15th, emailed to hello@smushgallery.com.
PROMO HELP. Performers are asked to join in promoting and inviting an audience to "I Love Your Vibe" -  let us know how you'll be comfortable participating!
PRESENTING AGREEMENT. Please confirm that you have read the Presenting Agreement, available here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1QoQmJvKPU_vGm-yt_dy6IOmhw2Xw9ggxicbZMF0btgI/edit?usp=sharing
Thank you!
YES I am available Saturday, February 11, 2022 from 6-10p, as is my cast.
EQUITY STATEMENT. SMUSH Gallery recognizes disparities in America and has dedicated itself to an ongoing process of anti-oppression work and equitable practices. Please read our Equity Statement here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/18eI8HdZNhHAOAHN7iBtzFKIiRHTnl6u3t0R3SwSbAzA/edit?usp=sharing
All contributors are asked to engage directly - thank you!
SUBMISSION FEE. Your sliding scale submission fees help sustain the gallery and this program - thank you!

Please send $5-10
- via Venmo (@smushgallery) AND put "I Love Your Vibe" in the note field

If this fee is prohibitive, please skip it - and please be thoughtful about choosing this option as it is meant for those who would not be able to submit otherwise. <3
We are always striving to improve! Please provide any feedback on the submission process (affirming and/or adjusting). <3
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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