ICATI Networking Conversations (May)
Thank you for joining us for the second part of our Alternatives to Incarceration (ATI) Basics webinar series, "The Fundamentals of ATI." 

We hope you will join us for either our Eastern Hemisphere or Western Hemisphere Networking Conversation. To ensure we address your preferred topics and questions about ATI, please complete this brief form.
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Email *
First Name  *
Last Name *
Organization *
Functional Title *
Country *

What topics would you like the ATI experts and colleagues to discuss regarding "The Fundamentals of ATI" during the ATI Networking Conversations?

Would you like to share a short example of how the webinar topic "The Fundamentals of ATI" relates to your country?
Please add my email to the ICATI network. *
Are you a member of any of these organizations?
We look forward to engaging with you soon!

Below are zoom details you need to join one of the Networking Conversations.

Western Hemisphere: May 28 (Tue), 9:00 AM EST 

Register here to receive a zoom link (Interpretación al español disponible)

Eastern Hemisphere: May 29 (Wed), 11:00 AM PHT 

Register here to receive a zoom link. 

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