Cutthroat Sketch Sign Up
Looking to participate in Cutthroat Sketch on December 5? 

Please use this form to show interest in participating in the sketch comedy competition called Cutthroat Sketch. 

The rules: If chosen to participate, you will be assigned to a troupe of four or five people. You will be given a prompt (a prop, costume, etc) that must be used, at least once, in a sketch comedy set, lasting no less than 12 minutes, but no more than 15. Working together, you'll have about 30 days to write, rehearse, and perform that set. On the night of the show, participating teams will be given money to bid on sabotages to inflict on the other team(s). No one will know the sabotages beforehand, other than the producers of the show. Judges and the audiences will choose a winner. 
A gentle reminder: Cutthroat Sketch requires a commitment to join with a randomly assigned troupe to craft a sketch comedy set over the course of about a month, which will include regular meetings and rehearsals. If you cannot make that commitment now, feel free to wait to sign up for when you are able. 
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Name (feel free to include pronouns) *
Email Address (to be shared with future teammates) *
Mobile Number (to be shared with your future teammates) *
Do you want to write, perform, or both? *
Do you live within the Philadelphia metropolitan area? Because if you don't, that might be a lot of travel. *
Have you taken a sketch writing course before? *
If you chose Other for the last question, feel free to add more things you've done.
Double checking, are you sure you'll be able to participate in a sketch comedy experience (from pitch to writing to show night) over the course of 30 days (and maybe more)? *
Final check: would you be available for the future editions of Cutthroat Sketch? *
Our venue, Sawubona Creativity Project, is ADA-accessible to get into, but doesn't have an ADA-accessible restroom.  *
Please note: it’s 2024. Edgy material is fine, but hateful material isn’t. By joining in the fun of Cutthroat Sketch, you acknowledge that your material is not hateful, bigoted, or any of the bad -ists that makes comedy less fun. Your mentor and the producers of the show will be watching.
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