2022 GPAC Summer Arts Camp Registration
We are excited to announce our 2022 Summer Arts Camp offerings. Payment can be made by cash, check or credit.  Payments can be mailed to Attn: Emily Hefley at 1801 Exeter Road, Germantown, TN 38138 or online at http://gpac-109617.square.site/   Payment must be received in order for registration to be complete.  Program participants will receive sample schedule, waivers and other specific camp information 2 weeks prior to the camp start date.

For more information:
Emily Hefley, Director of Programming
emily@gpacweb.com or 901-751-7665

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Email *
Select camp(s) - It's Elemental is full. Please email emily@gpacweb.com to be added to a waitlist
Student First Name *
Student Last Name *
Student Birth Date *
Name of Parents or Guardians *
First and Last name
Street Address *
City, State, Zip *
Primary Phone Number *
Primary Email Address *
(This email is used to send important camp information)
Does your child have any medical condition or learning disability that the instructor should be aware of? This information will help us to better instruct your child.               *
During the week, photos and video recordings will be taken and used to promote the GPAC Summer Arts Program in our brochure, website or other forms of social media.  Do you give GPAC/City of Germantown permission to use your child's photograph or video for publicity purposes. *
Method of Payment *
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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