WEBB Squared & Chatham Literacy present:
""Money Smart For Small Business"  - this course will run once a week for 8-10 weeks led by Chatham Literacy on business financials.  Our topics will include: 
  • Time Management
  • Financial Management 
  • Record Keeping
  • Risk Management
  • Tax Planning
  • Managing Cash Flow
We are gathering information to learn the best dates/times to offer you these classes.  Please help us out by filling out the survey below!

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Email *
What is your first and last name? *
What city / county do you live in? *
What is your phone number? (call/text okay?) *
Classes will be held on the following days. Please check all that apply that best fits your schedule.  *
Captionless Image
If you need some different days/times to make this opportunity work for you, please include the best dates for you: 
The class runs for 8-10 weeks.  Is there a particular month you'd like to start?  Check all that apply. *
Is there any other topics you are interested in exploring? Please let us know.
Do you have any concerns / questions at this time? If so, please share here.
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