Join our team!
Thank you for your interest in one of our performance-based positions. Please fill out all questions that apply to you for consideration to join our team. Once your application is reviewed, someone from the management team will reach out. Good luck!

By completing the application, I understand that the information provided below is truthful and accurate to the best of my knowledge and knowingly providing false information, or omitting false information, may result in the rejection of this form or employment.
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Full name *
Are you 18 years old or older? *
Full Address, street, city, state *
Mobile Number *
Email *
What is your Instagram and/or Facebook page? *
Which position(s) are you interested in? *
Do you have your GA cosmetology license? *
WORK HISTORY. Are you currently employed? *
Please describe your work history for the past 2 years. *
How did you find out about our positions? *
Have you ever worked in a salon before? If so, describe your responsibilities with the company. *
What days are you available? *
What hours are you available between 9:30a-8:30p ? *
Do you have reliable transportation?
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What day can you start? *
Are you an expert with any of the following? Check all that apply. Be honest because it's very likely we may ask you to demo. :) *
Why should we add you to PressBar team? *
Which location do you prefer? *
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